August Lan
August is the Director of Font Experience Lab of Arphic. Joined Arphic in November 2004, his job is to think about how typefaces could be used by designers and how typefaces could be shown properly under different circumstances, and also the match of different scripts. He is also doing the consultant of the brand typeface.
From 2014 to 2017, August was in charge of the Design Department of Arphic. So he knows very well of the process of font development from design, developing to engineering stage. He led many important Chinese custom font design projects such as HP, Intel. And he has given recommendations to Apple, Asus, HP, HTC, Huawei, and Nokia about Chinese typefaces. He also played the role of Project Manager of the development of Arphic’s important typefaces JingXiHei, JingXuKai, and JingCaiHei.
BITS9 Workshop
August Lan
October 11, 2019
Morning Session
10:00am - 12:30pm
at Function Room, TCDC Chiang Mai
Available slots : 15
“Global type users' flavor wheel”
Arphic is a font foundry that mainly designs Chinese typefaces. In recent years, we received many custom projects that required us to design Chinese typefaces to match Latin typefaces. It’s fine for Arphic to design matched Chinese typefaces because that’s what we are good at. But what if the clients want to expand to other scripts such as Japanese, Korean or Thai? Could we design or find perfect matches according to our feeling? Do typefaces with similar features but in different scripts show the same emotion?
Starting from Chinese typefaces, we develop a system to classify typefaces with different emotions. In this workshop, we are going to classify typefaces of different scripts to the corresponding emotions. And it will be classified as a flavor wheel. When the flavor wheel is done, users could find the typefaces they need according to the emotions they would like to deliver in different scripts!
REQUIREMENTS: Bring your Laptop or Smart Phone.