Petr van Blokland


Petr van Blokland (1956) works together with designer Claudia Mens and others, depending on the type of project. He graduated in 1980 cum laude in Graphic Design at KABK/The Hague and studied Industrial Design in Delft, The Netherlands. Van Blokland received the Charles Peignot Award for typography of AtypI in 1988 and was Board Member for a number of years. 

His special interest is in typography, type design, designing the design process, online applications and websites, developing software tools for designers and design theory as well as live design games. Van Blokland lectured at the Department of Graphic Design of the Academy of Arts in Arnhem (1984 – 1989), at the Department of Graphic Design (1988-2011) and Master Type & Media (1998 – present) of the Royal Academy of Arts in The Hague, as well as at the Department of Graphic Design of AKV St. Joost in Breda, Bachelor and Master (2010 - present).

His current focus is on international projects related to typography and type, his foundry TYPETR and as co-founder of &, for which a range of software design tools were developed.


BITS 6 International Workshop
Petr van Blokland
October 8, 2016.
3.30 pm. - 6.30 pm.
Auditorium A&B, TCDC
Available slots : 40-50 person

Design Game”

The Design Game: 45 designers, 9 studios, 3 customers, 13 tables, 51 chairs, 36 designs, 4 rounds and your drawing tools.

Did you ever want to know what clients try to communicate about their projects? And why they fail to do so? Would you like to know how designers think and why they always run out of time? And why doing pitches is so frustrating? Why design processes are not linear and thinking always is? And how to do that as a team? What is the best way to organize your studio? Why don’t you ever have the tools that your need most? And would you know how it is to balance on the wrong foot? And why that is necessary? Or why you never should participate in Design Games, if you think to know what design is? 

Then the Design Game still won't give you much answers, but you'll get a hell of experience, never to forget. And the rest you will figure out for yourself. Subscribe, first come first go.


BITS 6 International Conference
Petr van Blokland
October 7, 2016.
4.30 pm. - 6.00 pm. 
at Auditorium, Goethe Institut

“Design the design process -- and the process of type design in particular.”

How can design exist, if the process does not include the development of tools, methods models and selection criteria. In the lecture generic design methods and game theory is connect to the questions that every designer is facing: How to transform initial requirement into a working area that gives space creative directions, unusual opinions and personal preferences. While still matching the clients needs in the final design? How to calculate and plan, if wild ideas cannot be measured? What is the best approach? Which of the sketches are better than than all others? 

The lecture presents hands-on methods, that can be used in design practice as well as in design education.