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What is BITS?
Formerly known as the Bangkok International Typography Symposium, BITS is an annual gathering of design professionals and interested individuals to discuss and exchange ideas in modern typography for educational and commercial purposes. Recognized as the first and only typographic and type design conference in Southeast Asia.
In the past 10 years of its legacy, BITS has transformed from just an event held exclusively in Bangkok. We have
had a conference in Huahin and Chiangmai with the long-term goal of spreading out to other major cities in the region.
Up until today, it was still the longest running design conference of its kind in this part of the world. Shading some light on the Southeast Asian typographic scene: promoting a new rediscovery of typographic and type design practice.
Now, BITS stands for Brand Identity and Typography Symposium. This new direction reflects the growing type business and practice in the design industry. Also free BITS from being an exclusive event to Bangkok. At the same time, open a new window of opportunity for this conference to truly become regional.
Back for the tenth time and reboot after the global pandemic. Organized by Cadson Demak, a force behind the Typographic Association of Bangkok, and supported by the Thailand Creative and Design Center (TCDC), BITS is honored by the valuable contributions of international graphic and typographic professionalism from ASEAN and beyond. Diverse topics of special interest, spirited talks by guest speakers, and lively discussion groups These became the hallmarks of past BITS events. BITS plays a role in helping to stimulate and advance the stature of graphic design and typographic art in the region.
The Typographic Association of Bangkok (TAB) is a non-profit organization that functions as a network of type foundries in Bangkok. Cadson Demak is a private company that is heavily involved with producing activity for TAB. Proceeds from the sale of tickets, after deduction of expenses, will be reserved for the use of designing promotional activities.